Meet/Greet and Public Discussion
Denver, CO-Our first meet and greet in Denver, CO was very successful. We met with people from public and private sectors to discuss current events, domestic, and foreign affairs. Popular topics were Aerospace Industry, Immigration, Conservation, Rural Economic growth, Space Exploration, Medical Advances, Mental Health, Nanotechnology, Automated Manufacturing, Growing Tension between US/China/Russia, Rapid Economic Growth of India, Rising Unrest in Europe, Catholic Church Abuse Scandals, Economic Collapse of Venezuela, and Emergence of Populist politics in Brazil.
Redding, CA-Our meet and greet in Redding, CA was very informative. We met with people from public service sector, business sector, and nonprofit organizations. The most popular topics were the devastation of the Carr fire on Redding, Camp fire in Butte County, the devastation of Paradise, Migrant Caravans, Border Tension near San Diego, State of Jefferson, Calexit, Agriculture Industries, Gun Rights, Sanctuary Cities, Illegal Immigration, Oroville Dam, and Elon Musk's Underground Tunnel Projects.
Vienna, Austria-Our meet and greet in the winter of 2020 time period in Vienna, Austria was very informative. Most popular topics were the Yellow Vest Protests, Populist Governments Rising in Europe, Europe Unrest, Future of Islam in Europe, 2015 Immigration Influx, Negative Interest Treasuries, Europe Growing Debt, Ukraine Tension with Russia, Future of Ukraine and Georgia in NATO, Rising Tension in Baltic between Russia and NATO, Shrinking European Native Ethnic Populations, China inroads in Europe, Russia gas pipelines, European Army, Orthodox Christianity Schism, Future of Hypersonic weapons, Catholic Church Abuse Scandal, Sweden's unstable elections, Brexit, Catalonia Independence Vote, Russia's Annex of Crimea and 2019 European Parliament Election. The meeting was just in time for the renewal of the refugee influx on the Greece's border. Follow up virtual discussions of the meeting ventured to cover COVID-19, Economic Damage caused by COVID-19, Weakness in the models used in COVID-19 impact analysis as a lesson for Climate Change Models used for policy, the Oil Price War, Global Economic Recession Response, Economic Resiliency of the European Union, and Unrest in Saudi Arabia.
Stockholm, Sweden- Our meeting and discussion this summer 2020 moved to Zoom to meet COVID-19 requirements with follow up email based discussions. This meeting was so successful we are planning for a repeat meeting in 2025 and expanding MOTM resources in Scandinavia. As a recap MOTM invited many professionals with technical backgrounds for an anonymous closed door meeting with concerned scientists about Public Climate Change Hypersensitivity. Over 148,000 scientists in various fields of Science and Engineering have showed interest in this meeting and close to 325,000 showed interest in the next meeting. The topics included Deforestation Albedo, CLOUD research, Interglacials, Anglian Interglacial, Orbital Eccentricity cycles, Orbital Tilt/Precession, NH Summer Insolation cycles, Previous Interglacial Survival Mechanisms of Prehistoric Megafauna and Current North Pole Fauna(ie Woolly Mammoth and Polar Bear), and Micro Glacial/Interglacial Cycles. Due to current trends COVID-19 was also a popular topic including; COVID-19/Economic Coupling, COVID-19 impact on the economy, COVID-19 impact on political persuasion, impacts of biological weapons as asymmetrical weapons for hybrid warfare, and Isolation as means of mental distortion and manipulation. Additional topics planned to be discussed in 2025; Block-chain currency, Automotive revolution, Sex robot impacts on culture values and norms, mass immigration, shifting ethnic identities, role of traditional values and religions in a quickly advancing technological world, and the rapid evolving Space Race.
Tel Aviv, Israel- Our meeting and discussion this spring 2021 moved to Zoom due to the third intifada and and Hama Insurrection with follow up email based discussions. It was a really excellent turn out with several hundred leaders in NGOs, media, policy making positions, and local business persons from the greater Tel Aviv area. Most popular topics discussed were are Hezbollah Missile Buildup, Hezbollah Assistance From Iran, Shiite Crescent, Radical Islam, Islam's Institutionalized Antisemitism, Palestinian Repression of Press and Opposition Parties, Islam Institutionalized Repression of Women, Intifada, Revival of Pan Arabism, Iran's Ballistic Missile Program, Turkey's Resurgence of Islam Fundamentalism, Iran's Activity in Iraq/Syria, Long-term Oil Production Forecasts, Unrest in Saudi Arabia, Shiite and Sunni Regional Proxy Wars, Return of Al Qaeda, Russia's Long-term Vision for the Middle East, Chinese Rising Influence, Future of the Kurdish State, Iraq Insurgency, Nuclear Weapon Proliferation, Persecution of Christians throughout the Middle East, USA Long-term Vision, Space Exploration, and USA Moving Embassy to Jerusalem.
Tokyo, Japan- Our Meet and Greet in the summer of 2021 in Tokyo, Japan was a success. Most popular topics requested are Japanese National Debt, USA Credit rating after reaching a national debt of 28 Trillion Dollars, Nanotechnology, Micro-robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Industrial Automation, Sovereignty of Taiwan-Two-China Policy, Deep Fake News, North Korea Nuclear Missile Program, China's Aggressive South China Sea Activity, China's Currency Manipulation, China's Intellectual Property Violations, Heavy Involvement of China's PLA in the Private sector, USA Voting Vulnerabilities, USA Voting Irregularities and Lack of Credibility, USA Social Media Censorship, Chinese Origin of the COVID-19, Weakness in COVID-19 Testing capabilities, Abuse of COVID-19 contact Trace APPs for Political Bias, COVID-19 Lockdown Menticide on Global Youth, Financial Gain and Advantage From COVID Vaccines from Blackwater and Vanguard, Pfizer 2009 2.3 Billion Dollar Lawsuit for Bribing Doctors, Growing Cyber Risks from China, Russia, and North Korea, Nuclear War Risk between India vs. Pakistan, China's Place as an Economic and Military Superpower by 2030-2050, Risk of Holding US Treasuries, India's Rapid Economic Growth, Asteroid Mining, and DNA Gene Manipulation. Many prominent people would like to set up a second meeting and share resources for future social media enterprises.
Brasilia, Brazil-Meeting of the Minds is planning for a meet and greet sometime in 2021 time period in Brasilia, Brazil. Most popular topics requested are Catholic Church Sexual Abuse Scandals, Catholic Church Collapse in Demographics, Venezuela Intervention, Venezuela Economic Collapse and Exodus of Refugees, Extraordinary Elevated Homicide Rates in Latin America, Cultivation of STEM graduates, Medical Technology Advancement, Agriculture, Conservation, Poverty, Resurgence of Violent Socialist Revolutionaries, Development of Free Market Products for International Trade, Government Corruption, Increasing Influence from China and India, and Strengthening Economic and Military Ties with the USA.
Colorado Springs, CO-We are also planning a joint public moderation conference for the public with Space Unlimited in Colorado Springs, CO in 2022. Topics Included will be Space Force, Space Tourism, Asteroid Mining, Use of Nuclear Technology in Space, Reduction in Lift Costs, Use of Robotics and Artificial Intelligence in Space Exploration, Discoveries of Earth-like Planets, Advancements in Propulsion, Space Elevators, Permanent Human Presence on the Moon, Mars Expedition, Resource Utilization from the Moon, Space Policy and Law, Global Space Race, Colorado as a Space Industry Hub, Public Investment in Private Sector Space Related Advancement, Development of Technologies for Safe Human Space Travel, New Methods at Detecting Life in other Solar Systems, and Colonization of the Asteroid Belt.
Grand Junction, CO-We are planning a media conference for discussing multi facet news sharing in 2023. We have been asked to discuss MOTM collaboration opportunities, Long-term Development in Live Videos and YouTube reporting and discussing important topics to you. MOTM EM Long-term Vision, collaboration, and adopting new media platforms. In addition to the media conference, popular requested topics to cover include Social Media Censorship, Facebook Information Collection and Sharing of People's Private Activities, Foreign Subversion in US elections, Sexual Abuse Scandals in the Evangelical and Baptist Church, Racial Motivated Hoaxes, Climate Change Hysteria, Oil and Gas Development, Nuclear Power Development, Conservation, Bison Ranching, Resurgence of US Manufacturing, Agricultural Business, National Security Surveillance of Civilians, Human Trafficking from Latin America, High Opioid Death rate, Increasing Suicide Rates, Increasing STD rates, Resurgence in Diseases like Measles and Hepatitis A, National Nuclear War Response Plan, BIO Terrorism, Hybrid Warfare, Deep Fake News, Global Population Instability, and Legality of Sanctuary Cities.
New Delhi, India-We are planning a media conference for discussing multi facet news sharing in New Delhi, India in 2023. Working with India to develop an Asian hub for media sharing and collaboration. In addition to media sharing, popular topics requested are National Nuclear War Preparation Plan, Pakistan's Shadow Islamist Government, Pakistani ISI Support of Taliban and Kashmir Rebels, Historical Islamic Genocide of Hindus, Catholic Church Nun Rape Scandal, Cultural Institutionalized Repression of Women, Hindu Cultural Repression of Untouchables, Nationalized Nourishment Programs for Malnourished School Children, Myanmar Mass Islamic Displacement, Border Tension with China, Rapid Economic Growth, India Becoming The Third Largest Economy in World by 2030 in Nominal GDP, Rapid Militarization on the Border Between Pakistan and India, India and Pakistan Nuclear Weapons Arms Race, Hybrid Warfare Between India and Pakistan, Rapid Development of Ballistic Missile Technology in Pakistan and India, Regional Rapid Response Plan to Nuclear Terrorism, Rapid Epidemic Response Plan, Improved Infrastructure for Food Distribution, Space Exploration, Artificial Intelligence, Response to China's Aggressive South China Sea Activities, Two-China Policy, Human Trafficking, Fraudulent Foreign Offshore Companies, Buddhists Sex Abuse Scandals, and Robotic Industrial Automation.
Meeting of the Minds is planning for a meet and greet sometime in 2024 time period in Cheyenne, WY, St. Louis, MO, Spearfish, SD, Bismarck, ND, Worland, WY, Carbondale, IL, and Flagstaff, AZ. Most popular topics requested are Creating Domestic Manufacturing Jobs, Facebook Censorship and Data collection, Robotic Automation, Catholic Church Abuse Scandal, Hemp Production, Agriculture Economic Development, Border Security, Conservation, Heath Care Costs, Medical Technology Development, Islamic Radicalism, Rural Economic Development, Increasing the Interest in STEM Degrees, Artificial Intelligence Development, International Robotic and Artificial Intelligence Arms Race, Deep Fake News, Reemergence of Measles , Rapid Epidemic Response Plan, National Nuclear War Response Plan, Global Population Instability, Interglacials, Rising Rates in STDs, Suicide, and Opioid Death Rates, National Debt Crisis Plan, China Superpower Status 2030 , Russia's Regional Execution of Policy and Power, Nuclear Power Development;Utilization of Next Generation Reactors, India Economically Catching up with the US by 2050, Decline of European Economic Dual Hegemony With the USA, Micro and Molecular Technological Development, Long Term Immigration Forecast 20-50 Years, House Term Limits, Illegal Immigration, China's Increasing International Influence, Protecting USA Innovation, Regional and Localized Emergency Response Plans, 35 Hour Work Week, Space Exploration, Extrasolar Planet Discoveries, International Space Race, Space Force, Development and Enhancement of Domestic Petroleum Refineries, Foreign Election Subversion, International Cyber Threats, Latin American Economic Development, Latin American Totalitarian Regimes, European Political Unrest, Middle East Political Instability, India and Pakistan Border Tension and Nuclear Proliferation, and the Solar Eclipse in 2024.
Denver, CO-Our first meet and greet in Denver, CO was very successful. We met with people from public and private sectors to discuss current events, domestic, and foreign affairs. Popular topics were Aerospace Industry, Immigration, Conservation, Rural Economic growth, Space Exploration, Medical Advances, Mental Health, Nanotechnology, Automated Manufacturing, Growing Tension between US/China/Russia, Rapid Economic Growth of India, Rising Unrest in Europe, Catholic Church Abuse Scandals, Economic Collapse of Venezuela, and Emergence of Populist politics in Brazil.
Redding, CA-Our meet and greet in Redding, CA was very informative. We met with people from public service sector, business sector, and nonprofit organizations. The most popular topics were the devastation of the Carr fire on Redding, Camp fire in Butte County, the devastation of Paradise, Migrant Caravans, Border Tension near San Diego, State of Jefferson, Calexit, Agriculture Industries, Gun Rights, Sanctuary Cities, Illegal Immigration, Oroville Dam, and Elon Musk's Underground Tunnel Projects.
Vienna, Austria-Our meet and greet in the winter of 2020 time period in Vienna, Austria was very informative. Most popular topics were the Yellow Vest Protests, Populist Governments Rising in Europe, Europe Unrest, Future of Islam in Europe, 2015 Immigration Influx, Negative Interest Treasuries, Europe Growing Debt, Ukraine Tension with Russia, Future of Ukraine and Georgia in NATO, Rising Tension in Baltic between Russia and NATO, Shrinking European Native Ethnic Populations, China inroads in Europe, Russia gas pipelines, European Army, Orthodox Christianity Schism, Future of Hypersonic weapons, Catholic Church Abuse Scandal, Sweden's unstable elections, Brexit, Catalonia Independence Vote, Russia's Annex of Crimea and 2019 European Parliament Election. The meeting was just in time for the renewal of the refugee influx on the Greece's border. Follow up virtual discussions of the meeting ventured to cover COVID-19, Economic Damage caused by COVID-19, Weakness in the models used in COVID-19 impact analysis as a lesson for Climate Change Models used for policy, the Oil Price War, Global Economic Recession Response, Economic Resiliency of the European Union, and Unrest in Saudi Arabia.
Stockholm, Sweden- Our meeting and discussion this summer 2020 moved to Zoom to meet COVID-19 requirements with follow up email based discussions. This meeting was so successful we are planning for a repeat meeting in 2025 and expanding MOTM resources in Scandinavia. As a recap MOTM invited many professionals with technical backgrounds for an anonymous closed door meeting with concerned scientists about Public Climate Change Hypersensitivity. Over 148,000 scientists in various fields of Science and Engineering have showed interest in this meeting and close to 325,000 showed interest in the next meeting. The topics included Deforestation Albedo, CLOUD research, Interglacials, Anglian Interglacial, Orbital Eccentricity cycles, Orbital Tilt/Precession, NH Summer Insolation cycles, Previous Interglacial Survival Mechanisms of Prehistoric Megafauna and Current North Pole Fauna(ie Woolly Mammoth and Polar Bear), and Micro Glacial/Interglacial Cycles. Due to current trends COVID-19 was also a popular topic including; COVID-19/Economic Coupling, COVID-19 impact on the economy, COVID-19 impact on political persuasion, impacts of biological weapons as asymmetrical weapons for hybrid warfare, and Isolation as means of mental distortion and manipulation. Additional topics planned to be discussed in 2025; Block-chain currency, Automotive revolution, Sex robot impacts on culture values and norms, mass immigration, shifting ethnic identities, role of traditional values and religions in a quickly advancing technological world, and the rapid evolving Space Race.
Tel Aviv, Israel- Our meeting and discussion this spring 2021 moved to Zoom due to the third intifada and and Hama Insurrection with follow up email based discussions. It was a really excellent turn out with several hundred leaders in NGOs, media, policy making positions, and local business persons from the greater Tel Aviv area. Most popular topics discussed were are Hezbollah Missile Buildup, Hezbollah Assistance From Iran, Shiite Crescent, Radical Islam, Islam's Institutionalized Antisemitism, Palestinian Repression of Press and Opposition Parties, Islam Institutionalized Repression of Women, Intifada, Revival of Pan Arabism, Iran's Ballistic Missile Program, Turkey's Resurgence of Islam Fundamentalism, Iran's Activity in Iraq/Syria, Long-term Oil Production Forecasts, Unrest in Saudi Arabia, Shiite and Sunni Regional Proxy Wars, Return of Al Qaeda, Russia's Long-term Vision for the Middle East, Chinese Rising Influence, Future of the Kurdish State, Iraq Insurgency, Nuclear Weapon Proliferation, Persecution of Christians throughout the Middle East, USA Long-term Vision, Space Exploration, and USA Moving Embassy to Jerusalem.
Tokyo, Japan- Our Meet and Greet in the summer of 2021 in Tokyo, Japan was a success. Most popular topics requested are Japanese National Debt, USA Credit rating after reaching a national debt of 28 Trillion Dollars, Nanotechnology, Micro-robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Industrial Automation, Sovereignty of Taiwan-Two-China Policy, Deep Fake News, North Korea Nuclear Missile Program, China's Aggressive South China Sea Activity, China's Currency Manipulation, China's Intellectual Property Violations, Heavy Involvement of China's PLA in the Private sector, USA Voting Vulnerabilities, USA Voting Irregularities and Lack of Credibility, USA Social Media Censorship, Chinese Origin of the COVID-19, Weakness in COVID-19 Testing capabilities, Abuse of COVID-19 contact Trace APPs for Political Bias, COVID-19 Lockdown Menticide on Global Youth, Financial Gain and Advantage From COVID Vaccines from Blackwater and Vanguard, Pfizer 2009 2.3 Billion Dollar Lawsuit for Bribing Doctors, Growing Cyber Risks from China, Russia, and North Korea, Nuclear War Risk between India vs. Pakistan, China's Place as an Economic and Military Superpower by 2030-2050, Risk of Holding US Treasuries, India's Rapid Economic Growth, Asteroid Mining, and DNA Gene Manipulation. Many prominent people would like to set up a second meeting and share resources for future social media enterprises.
Brasilia, Brazil-Meeting of the Minds is planning for a meet and greet sometime in 2021 time period in Brasilia, Brazil. Most popular topics requested are Catholic Church Sexual Abuse Scandals, Catholic Church Collapse in Demographics, Venezuela Intervention, Venezuela Economic Collapse and Exodus of Refugees, Extraordinary Elevated Homicide Rates in Latin America, Cultivation of STEM graduates, Medical Technology Advancement, Agriculture, Conservation, Poverty, Resurgence of Violent Socialist Revolutionaries, Development of Free Market Products for International Trade, Government Corruption, Increasing Influence from China and India, and Strengthening Economic and Military Ties with the USA.
Colorado Springs, CO-We are also planning a joint public moderation conference for the public with Space Unlimited in Colorado Springs, CO in 2022. Topics Included will be Space Force, Space Tourism, Asteroid Mining, Use of Nuclear Technology in Space, Reduction in Lift Costs, Use of Robotics and Artificial Intelligence in Space Exploration, Discoveries of Earth-like Planets, Advancements in Propulsion, Space Elevators, Permanent Human Presence on the Moon, Mars Expedition, Resource Utilization from the Moon, Space Policy and Law, Global Space Race, Colorado as a Space Industry Hub, Public Investment in Private Sector Space Related Advancement, Development of Technologies for Safe Human Space Travel, New Methods at Detecting Life in other Solar Systems, and Colonization of the Asteroid Belt.
Grand Junction, CO-We are planning a media conference for discussing multi facet news sharing in 2023. We have been asked to discuss MOTM collaboration opportunities, Long-term Development in Live Videos and YouTube reporting and discussing important topics to you. MOTM EM Long-term Vision, collaboration, and adopting new media platforms. In addition to the media conference, popular requested topics to cover include Social Media Censorship, Facebook Information Collection and Sharing of People's Private Activities, Foreign Subversion in US elections, Sexual Abuse Scandals in the Evangelical and Baptist Church, Racial Motivated Hoaxes, Climate Change Hysteria, Oil and Gas Development, Nuclear Power Development, Conservation, Bison Ranching, Resurgence of US Manufacturing, Agricultural Business, National Security Surveillance of Civilians, Human Trafficking from Latin America, High Opioid Death rate, Increasing Suicide Rates, Increasing STD rates, Resurgence in Diseases like Measles and Hepatitis A, National Nuclear War Response Plan, BIO Terrorism, Hybrid Warfare, Deep Fake News, Global Population Instability, and Legality of Sanctuary Cities.
New Delhi, India-We are planning a media conference for discussing multi facet news sharing in New Delhi, India in 2023. Working with India to develop an Asian hub for media sharing and collaboration. In addition to media sharing, popular topics requested are National Nuclear War Preparation Plan, Pakistan's Shadow Islamist Government, Pakistani ISI Support of Taliban and Kashmir Rebels, Historical Islamic Genocide of Hindus, Catholic Church Nun Rape Scandal, Cultural Institutionalized Repression of Women, Hindu Cultural Repression of Untouchables, Nationalized Nourishment Programs for Malnourished School Children, Myanmar Mass Islamic Displacement, Border Tension with China, Rapid Economic Growth, India Becoming The Third Largest Economy in World by 2030 in Nominal GDP, Rapid Militarization on the Border Between Pakistan and India, India and Pakistan Nuclear Weapons Arms Race, Hybrid Warfare Between India and Pakistan, Rapid Development of Ballistic Missile Technology in Pakistan and India, Regional Rapid Response Plan to Nuclear Terrorism, Rapid Epidemic Response Plan, Improved Infrastructure for Food Distribution, Space Exploration, Artificial Intelligence, Response to China's Aggressive South China Sea Activities, Two-China Policy, Human Trafficking, Fraudulent Foreign Offshore Companies, Buddhists Sex Abuse Scandals, and Robotic Industrial Automation.
Meeting of the Minds is planning for a meet and greet sometime in 2024 time period in Cheyenne, WY, St. Louis, MO, Spearfish, SD, Bismarck, ND, Worland, WY, Carbondale, IL, and Flagstaff, AZ. Most popular topics requested are Creating Domestic Manufacturing Jobs, Facebook Censorship and Data collection, Robotic Automation, Catholic Church Abuse Scandal, Hemp Production, Agriculture Economic Development, Border Security, Conservation, Heath Care Costs, Medical Technology Development, Islamic Radicalism, Rural Economic Development, Increasing the Interest in STEM Degrees, Artificial Intelligence Development, International Robotic and Artificial Intelligence Arms Race, Deep Fake News, Reemergence of Measles , Rapid Epidemic Response Plan, National Nuclear War Response Plan, Global Population Instability, Interglacials, Rising Rates in STDs, Suicide, and Opioid Death Rates, National Debt Crisis Plan, China Superpower Status 2030 , Russia's Regional Execution of Policy and Power, Nuclear Power Development;Utilization of Next Generation Reactors, India Economically Catching up with the US by 2050, Decline of European Economic Dual Hegemony With the USA, Micro and Molecular Technological Development, Long Term Immigration Forecast 20-50 Years, House Term Limits, Illegal Immigration, China's Increasing International Influence, Protecting USA Innovation, Regional and Localized Emergency Response Plans, 35 Hour Work Week, Space Exploration, Extrasolar Planet Discoveries, International Space Race, Space Force, Development and Enhancement of Domestic Petroleum Refineries, Foreign Election Subversion, International Cyber Threats, Latin American Economic Development, Latin American Totalitarian Regimes, European Political Unrest, Middle East Political Instability, India and Pakistan Border Tension and Nuclear Proliferation, and the Solar Eclipse in 2024.
Meeting of the Minds is planning for a meet and greet sometime in 2025 time period in Prague, Czech Republic, Budapest, Hungary, Sofia, Bulgaria, Athens, Greece, Bucharest, Romania, Kiev, Ukraine, and Tbilisi, Georgia. Most requested topics are Catholic Church Sex Abuse Scandal, Orthodox Church Schism, Buddhist Abuse Scandal, Crimea Annexation, Ukraine and Georgia NATO membership, 30 hour work week, Automation Robotic Revolution, Artificial Intelligence Revolution, Russian Hybrid Warfare, Radical Islam, Global Population Instability, Political Unrest in the Eurozone, Russia and Ukraine Border Violence, Nanotechnology, Trans-humanism, Longevity Enhancement, Improving Access to International Trade Markets, Climate Change Hysteria, Interglacials, Development of the Arts, Rural Economic Development, Asteroid Mining, China's Silk Road, Facebook Collecting and Selling Personnel Data, European Union Political Censorship, Fundamental Islam Women Circumcision, Mass Immigration, Deep Fake News, INF Treaty, Rapid Conventional or Terrorist Nuclear Attack Response Plan, Rapid Immigration Influx Plan, Military Modernization, Space Exploration, Moon Base Habitation, Discovery of Extrasolar Earth-like Planets, Immigration Imported Antisemitism, and Middle East Instability.
Meeting of the Minds is planning for a meet and greet sometime in 2026 time period in Abuja, Nigeria, Nairobi, Kenya, Taipei, Taiwan, Accra, Ghana, Djibouti, Djibouti, Windhoek, Namibia, and Maputo, Mozambique. Most requested topics are Human Trafficking, Persecution of Christians, Radical Islam, African Union Membership Human Rights and Trade Standards, Inter Tribal Conflict, Infrastructure and Services, Population Instability, Ebola, Increasing Education Standards and Access, Continent Wide Trade Block and Protection, Displaced Population, Regional Standardized Free Trade Zones and Development, Rural Economic Development, Illegal Poaching, Conservation, Medical Access, STEM Graduates, Foreign Investment, Hybrid Warfare, Proxy Wars, Regional Rapid Reaction Force for Response to (Epidemic Outbreaks; Flash Refugee Influxes, Major Disruptions in Food and Goods Services), Technological Development, India and Pakistan Hybrid Warfare, NATO and Russia Hybrid Warfare, Catholic Church Sex Abuse Scandal, Government Accountability, Uncontrolled Population Growth, Regional Standardized Free Trade Business Law, Policy and Implementation Standardization, China's claim on Taiwan, and Increasing China's and India's Influence.
Meeting of the Minds is planning for a meet and greet sometime in 2027 time period in Calcutta, India, Bombay, India, Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea, and Sri Jayawardenepura Kotte, Sri Lanka. Most requested topics are Standardization and Regulations on Sex Robot Workers, Catholic Church Sex Abuse Scandal, Evangelical Lead Deterioration of Local Traditions, Catholic Church Nun Rape Scandal, Radical Islam, Hindu Systematic Institutionalized Repression of Woman and Untouchables, Alleviating Stark Poverty, Pakistan's Shadow Islamic Government, Deep Fake News, India and Pakistan's; Hybrid, Asymmetric, and Perception War, India and Pakistan Rapid nuclear Proliferation, Alleviating the Number of Malnourished Children, Government Accountability, Global Population Instability, Chinese Aggressive Posturing in the South China Sea and on the One China Policy, Taiwan's Two China Policy, Myanmar Mass Displacement of Muslims, China's Mass Internment Re-education Camps for Muslims, India and Pakistan's Excessive Use of Bluff and Saber Rattling Tactics for Resolving Border Tension, India and Pakistan's Continued Violent Border Actions, North Korea's Nuclear Proliferation, Climate Change Hysteria, Interglacials, Nanotechnology, Micro and Molecular Robotic Revolution, Humankind Life Extension technological Development, Trans-Humanism, Nanocomputers, Transputer-based parallel (“Transparallel”) computers, Genetic Engineering, Silk Road, NATO and Russia Hybrid Warfare, Shiite and Sunni Proxy Wars, India's Rapid Economic and Military Advancement until 2050, Rapid Reaction Plan and Training for Epidemics, Mass Immigration Influxes, Nuclear Attack (Conventional/Terrorists), Modernization and Development of Infrastructure for Goods and Service, Artificial Intelligence, Robotic Industrial Revolution, Asteroid Mining, Moon In-habitation, India and Pakistan Unification, Next Generation Nuclear Plants, Facebook Collection and Use of Private Information of Users, and Social Media Censorship.
Meeting of the Minds is planning for a meet and greet sometime in 2028 time period in Tallinn, Estonia, Minsk, Belarus, Moscow, Russia, Astana, Kazakhastan, Novosibirsk, Russia, Beijing, China, and Taipei, Taiwan.
Meeting of the Minds is planning for a meet and greet sometime in 2026 time period in Abuja, Nigeria, Nairobi, Kenya, Taipei, Taiwan, Accra, Ghana, Djibouti, Djibouti, Windhoek, Namibia, and Maputo, Mozambique. Most requested topics are Human Trafficking, Persecution of Christians, Radical Islam, African Union Membership Human Rights and Trade Standards, Inter Tribal Conflict, Infrastructure and Services, Population Instability, Ebola, Increasing Education Standards and Access, Continent Wide Trade Block and Protection, Displaced Population, Regional Standardized Free Trade Zones and Development, Rural Economic Development, Illegal Poaching, Conservation, Medical Access, STEM Graduates, Foreign Investment, Hybrid Warfare, Proxy Wars, Regional Rapid Reaction Force for Response to (Epidemic Outbreaks; Flash Refugee Influxes, Major Disruptions in Food and Goods Services), Technological Development, India and Pakistan Hybrid Warfare, NATO and Russia Hybrid Warfare, Catholic Church Sex Abuse Scandal, Government Accountability, Uncontrolled Population Growth, Regional Standardized Free Trade Business Law, Policy and Implementation Standardization, China's claim on Taiwan, and Increasing China's and India's Influence.
Meeting of the Minds is planning for a meet and greet sometime in 2027 time period in Calcutta, India, Bombay, India, Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea, and Sri Jayawardenepura Kotte, Sri Lanka. Most requested topics are Standardization and Regulations on Sex Robot Workers, Catholic Church Sex Abuse Scandal, Evangelical Lead Deterioration of Local Traditions, Catholic Church Nun Rape Scandal, Radical Islam, Hindu Systematic Institutionalized Repression of Woman and Untouchables, Alleviating Stark Poverty, Pakistan's Shadow Islamic Government, Deep Fake News, India and Pakistan's; Hybrid, Asymmetric, and Perception War, India and Pakistan Rapid nuclear Proliferation, Alleviating the Number of Malnourished Children, Government Accountability, Global Population Instability, Chinese Aggressive Posturing in the South China Sea and on the One China Policy, Taiwan's Two China Policy, Myanmar Mass Displacement of Muslims, China's Mass Internment Re-education Camps for Muslims, India and Pakistan's Excessive Use of Bluff and Saber Rattling Tactics for Resolving Border Tension, India and Pakistan's Continued Violent Border Actions, North Korea's Nuclear Proliferation, Climate Change Hysteria, Interglacials, Nanotechnology, Micro and Molecular Robotic Revolution, Humankind Life Extension technological Development, Trans-Humanism, Nanocomputers, Transputer-based parallel (“Transparallel”) computers, Genetic Engineering, Silk Road, NATO and Russia Hybrid Warfare, Shiite and Sunni Proxy Wars, India's Rapid Economic and Military Advancement until 2050, Rapid Reaction Plan and Training for Epidemics, Mass Immigration Influxes, Nuclear Attack (Conventional/Terrorists), Modernization and Development of Infrastructure for Goods and Service, Artificial Intelligence, Robotic Industrial Revolution, Asteroid Mining, Moon In-habitation, India and Pakistan Unification, Next Generation Nuclear Plants, Facebook Collection and Use of Private Information of Users, and Social Media Censorship.
Meeting of the Minds is planning for a meet and greet sometime in 2028 time period in Tallinn, Estonia, Minsk, Belarus, Moscow, Russia, Astana, Kazakhastan, Novosibirsk, Russia, Beijing, China, and Taipei, Taiwan.