![]() In Recent Science protests around the USA, people protested varying issues related to science. But one claim stuck out, protesters claimed there is no planet b? It turns out rather recently scientists have in fact found 6 possible b habitable exoplanets within a conservative habitable zone and additional 14 b habitable exoplanets within an optimistic habitable zone. Of the 6 b habitable planets within a conservative habitable zone, 3 are found within 14 light years from earth. Even more, Proxima Centauri b is only 4.22 light years from earth. Below is a list of b planets in the conservative habitable zone This is a list of the exoplanets that are more likely to have a rocky composition (which according to current research requires a radius of less than 1.6 R⊕ and a mass less than 6 M⊕) and maintain surface liquid water (i.e. between 0.5 and 1.5 R⊕ and between 0.1 and 5 M⊕, and orbiting within the conservative habitable zone). Note that this does not ensure habitability, and that * represents an unconfirmed planet or planet candidate. Earth is included for comparison. Below is a list of b planets in the optimistic habitable zone
This is a list of the exoplanets that are less likely to have a rocky composition or maintain surface liquid water (i.e. 0.5 < planet's radius ≤ 1.5 Earth radii or 0.1 < planet's minimum mass ≤ 10 Earth masses, or the planet is orbiting within the optimistic habitable zone). Note that this does not ensure habitability, and that * represents an unconfirmed planet or planet candidate.
![]() Fixit, Swexit, Italexit, Nexit, Frexit, and Grexit. Everybody in Europe Wants the Euro but not the European Union. Except for maybe the UK which uses the pound and voted to leave the European Union in the Brexit. And 61% of France has an unfavorable view of the EU, yet close to 72% would like to keep the Euro in a recent poll. Currently, unemployment in Greece is over 20 percent. Greece still has not balanced a budget and has been digressing in and out of a non-ending depression and malaise. And Italy has close to 12% unemployment and 130% debt to GDP. However, nobody including the markets even shuddered or blinked an eye recently when Italy’s government approved 21 billion dollars to shore up its troubled banks and on April 4th it has been confirmed the Veneto Banks have a shortfall of 6.4 Billion. All the European Union Members are hostage to the export power house Germany in order for the European Union to thrive. But, this often means high unemployment, debt, and excessive welfare in the other countries so they do not rock the boat. And everybody celebrated when the overall EU jobless rate dropped to 9.5 % but France’s unemployment rate still sits at 10% and Spain’s is still 18%. And now Germany is talking about hurting it’s own economy to help the other economies so other countries can develop jobs. Very few people even noticed the European Union's 5.5 trillion negative interest loans? Currently, the Euro Zone has 8.6 trillion in negative yielding debt. So far do no worry, Europe can probably pull through with a debt to GDP ratio of 87%, which is better then the US. ![]() April 2, 2017 Russia: The little cold war that is a little hot. Western Sanctions on Russia, NATO forces deployed in Baltic countries and Poland for the first time, close to a 40 million Russians took part in a nuclear defense drill last summer, over a 1,000 Russian Service men killed in Ukraine and Syria, and a 100,000 man military snap drill planned in Belarus; called a threat of war from the West, Turkey shot down a Russian Fighter, talk of NATO expanding to Ukraine, and a Russia Diplomat Andrey Karlov shot on TV in Turkey. Even more, dozens of Russian diplomats keep showing up dead around the world including 8 prominent ones. Russian servicemen keep dying in the Syria conflict. Looks almost as if Retired Admiral John Kirby delivered on the statement, “‘Russia will continue to send troops home in body bags’: US warns Moscow if Syria violence goes on”. Could a Russia Intervention be inconceivable? Actually no, over 279 US troops died in Russian between 1918-1919 when US and her allies intervened in the Russia Civil War .… ![]() April 2 2017 The Shiite and Sunni proxy war, the Saudi ticking time bomb, and why we may already be in world war III. Up until now over 500,000 to 1,000,000 people have died in the middle east due to the Sunni and Shia proxy wars in Iraq, Syria, and Yemen. And Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Bahrain may follow. Also, the repressed minority of shiites in Saudi Arabia sit on 90% of the oil fields. What could go wrong; besides ISIS and Al Qeada? Does every country in the world have a hand in this fight already? ![]() Response to OPINION: “EARTH FIRST” – AN EMOTIONAL ARGUMENT LACKING UNDERSTANDING OF THE FACTS. Space is expensive. However, most people that follow the space industry know that a initial investment is necessary for almost an infinite return later. And there is some top down economics happening as well. All the advance systems built are paid to some one. And they buy houses, commodities, investments, and give charity to important causes. In the long run, I think it just adds to the GDP. Long term, people do want to see a return on these investments, like being so they can buy a ticket to go live on the moon for a month. I think we have gotten a good return on space exploration via numerous new technologies, advancement on research, and a highly skilled aerospace work force.Furthermore, I think we are closer to a out post on the moon then we realize. When I say close I mean like 5-20 years. I think we have the technology to do it now, but it should be done safely and efficiently with a eye on long term return. A Long term return should include how do we increase traffic to space efficiently. Some very badly needed infrastructure might be needed to really cut costs of launches. Like the US highway System.... Space Unlimited |